A Story On How The Didgeridoo Came To Be...
Three men were camped out on a cold night in the outback. One of the men told another to put a log on the fire, it
was getting low and it was very cold. So, this man turned and grabbed a
log, which was awfully light to the touch, for it was hollow. As he
went to drop it into the fire, he noticed the entire length was covered
with termites. He did not know what to do, for he could not throw the
branch into the fire, because it would kill the termites, and his
friends were telling him to do so because it was so cold. So, he
carefully removed all the termites from the outside of the log by
scooping them into his hand, and he deposited them inside the hollow
Then he raised the branch to his lips and blew the termites into
the air.
The termites blown into the air became the stars, and the
first didgeridoo was created.