Didgeridoo - what kind should I get?

We have an awesome selection of didgeridoos available for you to choose from. Didgeridoos are made from a wide variety of materials. Below, we will guide you through our didgeridoos, what they are made of, what their playing attributes are, and their price ranges. By reading about each product you will be able to decide which one is right for you. Our star rating system based on playing quality is on each didgeridoo product page. Also look for videos on many of the didgeridoos that we carry.

  • Ultimate Didgeridoo:

Didgeridoo Ultimate

Material: Durable Plastic.

A great value and affordable way to learn how to play. 47" Didgeridoo. Tuned to the key of D. Permanent silicone mouthpiece. Super easy to play. Perfect for a beginner or intermediate player. Designed with thick walls to produce a crisp clean tone. Click here to order.

  • Flared Didgeridoo:

Flared Didgeridoo

Material: Durable Plastic.

54" Didgeridoo with a 4.5 inch bell. Tuned to the key of D. Permanent rubber mouthpiece. Super easy to play. The huge 4.5 inch bell really brings out the bass! Perfect for a beginner or intermediate player that is looking for a more robust sound. Designed with thick walls to produce a crisp clean tone. Click here to order.

  • Slider Didgeridoo:

Slider Didgeridoo

Material: Durable Plastic.

We highly recommend our slider didgeridoo for beginner, intermediate and advanced players alike. It plays the 8 most popular keys of the didgeridoo F, E, D#, D, C#, C, B, and Bb/A. It has superior sound quality due to its heavy duty large bore construction and 4.5" bell. Click here to order.

  • Travel Didgeridoo:

Didgeridoo Travel

Material: Durable Plastic.

Fully assembled it is 66", when taken apart only 18". A large 4.5" bell means you don't sacrifice on great sound even though it fits into your backpack! It features adjustable fittings that allow you to play in 4 different keys (D, D sharp, E, or F). Click here to order.

What key is right for me? For beginner players we recommend the key of C, D, or E. This is the mid range. Higher keys like F and G take tighter lip pressure and lots of diaphragm pushing. These higher keys are great for fast rhythmical playing. Lower keys like A and B take really loose lip pressure and more air. They work great for slow meditative playing styles. The keys of C, D, and E fall somewhere in between and are easier for beginners to learn on. Most didgeridoo players have a collection of didgeridoos (some have one in every key). We suggest you listen to our videos of the different keys to see which one you like the best.